casinobonusesindex.ca strives to bring you, the user, the best-rounded experience of online gambling. On our website, you will find the following information:
- In-depth casino reviews
- News
- Free game options
- Exclusive casino bonuses
- Much more!
By giving you the most up-to-date information about the industry, we know we can offer you the best possible online gambling experience. That being said, it is important for you to understand the terms and conditions of using this site and your legal rights as a user of our services and website casinobonusesindex.ca.
- 1. Definitions
- 2. Information Collected from Casino Bonuses Index.com :
- 3. How Casino Bonuses Index Uses Data
- 4. Disclosure of Information
- 5. Your Rights
- 6. Third-Party Services
- 7. Privacy Shield
- 8. Cookie Functions Used by Online Free Casino.org
- 9. Underage Privacy
- 10. Data Security
- 11. Data Retention
- 12. Settings and Data Transfer
- 13. Data Control and Processing
- 14. Policy Changes and Updates
1. Definitions
- The following details and terms will refer to you the reader as the ‘user’, ‘member’ and ‘player’ with plurals to cover the collective terms for each.
- We at casinobonusesindex.ca shall refer to ourselves as either ‘casinobonusesindex.ca’, ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’.
- casinobonusesindex.ca is also referred to as a ‘public area’ when discussing the overall services that is accessible to all which enter our website.
2. Information Collected from Casino Bonuses Index.com :
A clear insight into how casinobonusesindex.ca collects data and vital information to serve users of the site.
2.1 the public area is a hub of information which is set out to bring all users a clear insight into the gambling industry from news to exclusive bonus content. As users navigate the public area, we are able to track movements to allow us to see the popular areas of interest and build a user’s profile. This, in turn, allows us to reconfigure a site based on what is or is not popular as a collective measure.
2.2 Information of a personal nature can be acquired through a request within our site. This, for example, could be done through such services as email, submitting your name and age for legal classification, your contact numbers and address of residence. The submission could be under a legal case which we shall come to in part 4.4, or just by simply registering for our newsletter.
2.3 The user’s I.P address is the transmitter of data which we can access. The address contains cookie data (section 3.4) which will be able to inform us of prior site movements and where you go after using our services. The data stores the number of times you have used our services and logs dates and time. The information will allow us to contact the user through live chat or by email to again help provide assistance to the user if necessary.
2.4 The submission of data on the users part is known as ‘authorized services’, where the user has been invited and informed of the processes and continue to submit their data. The information which is kept will allow our site to tailor the experience of the user for future visits and use and such information saved could be gender, photo I.D, birth date, users full name and email.
3. How Casino Bonuses Index Uses Data
Each and every user or follower of our site will be tracked and logged. The following information explains key points as to why it is integral to the facility of our services through casinobonusesindex.ca.
3.1 Operational Services
Should a user make contact to us via email or in the general comments then the data gathered can be assessed to develop the operational side of the public area, should any recommendations be submitted by the user.
3.2 Service Improvements
Upgrading, development and improvements can take place with access to stored data which will inform us of trends to help better and improve the experience of users by analyzing features and services used and not used.
3.3 Communications
From an administrative point of view, data can assist in the following areas:
- 3.3.1 Helping with the resolution of infringements, violations and any user complaints.
- 3.3.2 Promotional updates and exclusive offers from casinobonusesindex.ca or from third-parties.
All users of the public area can opt out of the service and can withdraw contact as stated in section 5.
3.4 Tracking ‘Cookie’ Technology
Automated tracking software allows us to screen the following data and this is why:
- 3.4.1 A bespoke service is tailored to each member so that filled criteria done so first time no longer has to be repeated. Such as filling out passwords and usernames.
- 3.4.2 Advertisement is more customized.
- 3.4.3 Marketing for third-parties and monitoring by casinobonusesindex.ca.
- 3.4.4 Entry submissions, promotional access and login status.
3.5 Analytics
casinobonusesindex.ca uses tools such as Google Analytics. This measures the site’s traffic which we can then evaluate. casinobonusesindex.ca has no affiliation with Google which is legally independent of us and vice versa. Google will have access to such measured data also but all personal data in non-identifiable and will only be shared between parties in the resolve of a technical matter.
4. Disclosure of Information
Disclosing information that is knowingly done so by the user in the following circumstances.
4.1 Unrestricted Information
Should any user of the public area leave a comment, this will be viewed and accessible by all parties using casinobonusesindex.ca.
4.2 Service Providers
To help host the site and maintain it, then the assistance of third-parties are essential to the public area’s upkeep. Though with limited data and information, it can still be accessed to help third-parties to carry out the work needed which is protected by a confidential privacy clause.
4.3 Non Identifiable Information
Three points highlighting third-party data collection.
- 4.3.1 Compliance reporting.
- 4.3.2 Advertisement / marketing.
- 4.3.3 Patterns and habits of users that show content, services and functions carried out inside the public area.
4.4 Legal Processes and Compliance
Should a situation arise when the legal matters need to be followed through, users must know that we adhere to all juridical and permitted laws for all excepted countries to our service. We comply with the user’s legal rights as we do with our own. The act of legal matters may involve the following scenarios:
- 4.4.1 Liability claims.
- 4.4.2 Fraudulent behavior and acts of abuse.
- 4.4.3 Third-party claims and defense.
- 4.4.4 Security of casinobonusesindex.ca.
- 4.4.5 Property protection and contractual enforcement.
4.5 Change in Ownership
Should the ownership of the casinobonusesindex.ca site change hands whether it be by acquisition or merger, data pertained prior is available to the new parties. The new ownership will continue the act of privacy policies and support your rights.
5. Your Rights
Users of casinobonusesindex.ca are able to see the data kept regarding their own information. To obtain this as request must be submitted and the user can also request its deletion or amendment.
Users can refuse to disclose data they don’t wish to be kept. This might come with certain restrictions to the public area, for example, unwilling to provide your date of birth.
User’s that strongly feel they have had any infringement and neglect of their rights, we advise you to contact a Data Protection Officer to help you build a case for legal settlement.
5.2 Analytical Information
Google Analytics is an optional service that can be changed through settings or left altogether. The link provided will take you to the Google tools page.
5.3 Commercial Suspension
Any communication via email can be unsubscribed to. Instructions are provided at the base of the email. Suspension of communications will take up to 10 days, after which emails for commercial notice will cease and only emails pertaining to casinobonusesindex.ca services will be sent.
6. Third-Party Services
When it comes to the practice of any third-party, we cannot be held accountable for their actions. Though our businesses share restricted data and help with the services upgrade, a user will choose to use the third-party services at their own risk. We recommend that all users carry out research on third-parties prior to using their services and disclose personal information to them.
7. Privacy Shield
The practice and services of casinobonusesindex.ca fully comply with the General Data Protection Regulation issued by E.U laws that covers the retention of personal data and information. If there is any dispute with the General Data Protection Regulation, then all matters must be dealt with by the GDPR and its suitable department.
8. Cookie Functions Used by Online Free Casino.org
- Cookies of Importance – With the aid of tracking software you are able to navigate the public area and experience a tailored service within.
- Service Performance – Technical matters can be flagged and help maintain a smooth service with restricted errors or faults.
- Cookies that are Functional – The mapping of a user’s text can decode the language, country and name of user. This will allow for better service form our public area.
- Behavioural Cookies – More bespoke advertising to suit your interests more.
9. Underage Privacy
casinobonusesindex.ca positions itself away from underage gambling. We have no intention to assist or seek out those that are not of legal age to gamble. All country and provincial laws must be adhered to and we will take measures to restrict access to our services to help the laws.
Should any users reading this be of illegal age to gamble then please cease using our services with immediate effect. If you are a parent or guardian and have the suspicion that wrongdoing has taken place, please contact us and we can remove the relevant data of the person. Please note in cases such as these, we cannot say that all data can be 100% removed.
10. Data Security
We are in full support of the industry rules and laws when it comes to protecting individual’s rights and information. Whether it be in the form of administrative, physical or technical, we put the necessary safeguards in place to help defend our users from fraudulent behavior and acts which can be deemed to be unlawful.
Data is not intentionally destroyed until it has served a purpose of improving a service. Nothing is altered or disclose under our storage. Though all the best measures to our ability and current software is taken, we cannot fully guarantee 100% lockdown to security and thusly all users providing information is done so at their own risk.
If you feel a breach of safety has happened, then please contact us immediately. If we discover a breach before you, we shall be in touch with the data provided to us to help assist in the matter.
11. Data Retention
As stated, data is not intentionally destroyed. Information is kept for a period of time and will be stored for legal cases, should they come about. As mentioned in section 4.4.
12. Settings and Data Transfer
Your user settings can affect your privacy and can put you at risk. Our servers are put I place to cover all measures but cannot claim for it to be guaranteed. The same could be said of third-parties and their software and thusly why we cannot be held liable should any issues occur.
13. Data Control and Processing
The guidelines for the General Data Protection Regulation, casinobonusesindex.ca is classified as the Data Controller under regulation section 2016/679. Stating that all data of the users is controlled by casinobonusesindex.ca. Including how the data is supplemented.
It must be known that casinobonusesindex.ca has no legal right over third-party business and how they go about using or storing the information.
14. Policy Changes and Updates
With updates and changes to laws, you will find that from time to time we adjust our policies to suit the most up to date requirements. It’s advised this page be checked from time to time as to keep you aware of your legal rights.
By reading our privacy policy and remaining to use the services of https://www.casinobonusesindex.ca/, you have agreed and understood our terms in this current version of our Privacy Policy.
Thank you for your time.
Last update: September_2021